Trout Conservation in Alberta and BC

Trout Conservation in Alberta and BC

Here at Bushwhackers, we encourage all our followers to support conservation efforts in Alberta and BC; whether that means practicing proper catch and release, educating fellow anglers, or volunteering with or donating to a local non-profit organization. However you choose, we want to help make it easier.

Safe Fish Handling Techniques

The “4 C’s” of Trout Conservation

Alberta Fish ID Quiz

Test your fish identification knowledge with our of Fish Species of Alberta Quiz. 

Purchase a fishing license

At minimum, anyone fishing in Alberta or BC needs to have a fishing license and be familiar with the regulations for any waterbody they intend to fish. Revenues from angling licenses go directly towards conservation and fisheries management activities, and also help officials monitor angler #’s. Don’t go fishing without it; you will be subject to a hefty fine.

Purchase your Alberta fishing license on-line here… Follow the link to purchase your AB fishing license. If you have never had a fishing license in AB, you will first need to create a WIN account. Must be renewed annually, April 1st.Click HERE for 2021 Alberta Sportfishing Regulations.

Purchase your BC Freshwater Fishing license on-line here… Follow the link to purchase your BC Freshwater Fishing license in BC. Read the regulations for the waterbody you intend to fish. Many special regulations (Class 1 & 2 watersheds) apply. If you have never had a license in BC before, an angler ID # will be created for you. Must be renewed annually, April 1st... Click HERE for 2021-2023 BC Sportfishing Regulations.

Donate to local non-profit organization

Get involved with local chapter of TUC; join for $40 a year, donate, or participate in upcoming volunteer events

Trout Unlimited Canada: Bow River Chapter

Trout Unlimited Canada: Oldman River

Trout Unlimited Canada: BC Chapter

CPAWS Southern Alberta

The Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society is a staunch advocate for the protection of wilderness across Canada. Head to their page to make a donation to the southern alberta chapter and make a difference for our wilderness.

Did you know that 15% of profits from this site is donated to CPAWS annually? That number includes revenue generated by ad impressions. That means you are making a small donation to CPAWS just by browsing this website! Kudos to you!

Alberta Conservation Association

Donate to the Alberta Conservation Association. The ACA is responsible for a good portion of meaningful trout research in Alberta. Head to their website to donate, volunteer, or just stay informed about conservation projects in Alberta.

Backcountry Hunters and Anglers: Alberta Chapter

The Alberta Chapter of BHA is an excellent way to stay informed about the state of current issues in Alberta and support the individuals doing the ground work when it comes to advocating for our wild places. Further, the ABHA facebook group is an excellent community of knowledgeable anglers; I highly recommend joining.


Yellowstone to Yukon Conservation Initiative

Wildsight- Conservation in the Columbia and South Rocky Mountains


Alberta Native Trout Recovery Program

Head to the Alberta Ministry of Environment and Parks and learn more about plan for the recovery of westslope cutthroat trout, bull trout, and Athabasca rainbow trout in Alberta

BC ministry of Forest, Lands, and Natural Resource Operations: Fish and Wildlife

The fish and wildlife branch of the BC ministry, full of useful resources including regulations, ecological reports, and more.

Fish Species in Alberta

A guide to the sportfish species present in Alberta and an overview of each, with some helpful resources for fish identification.

Bushwhackers projects…

We were curious… so we did some research. Over the years, we have put together several posts about conservation of our native trout. Some of it will scare you, some of it will inspire you. If you are as interested as I was, check out the following articles to get you thinking ‘conservation’!

The Cringeworthy history of Alberta’s Fisheries- And how we are barely hanging on

This article dives into the troubling history of angling in Alberta, drawing off of Lorne fitch’s “Two Fish, one fish, no fish,” this article will open your eyes to how destructive humans can be; and why we need to act now to preserve what we have left.

State of Alberta’s Trout: Salvelinus Confluentus

This 3 part series takes an extensive look into the status of Bull Trout in Alberta; which populations are at risk, which have recovered, and where the fight continues. Meant to educate, inform, and inspire anglers to protect our provincial fish.

Forestry Roads and Trout Fishing: A Love-Hate Relationship

This 2 part article examines the effects of forestry roads on our trout habitat, and the ethical dilemma we face as anglers who rely on these road systems.